3 Steps to Scale your Legal Practice

by Irayya M

Subject knowledge is definitely one of the most important aspects of any profession and we know you are the champions of the same, but there are several other factors which can boost/enhance your business.
Business succeeds because of its customers, it’s very important to attract and engage your customers regularly. Legal industry is far behind this culture and I don’t hesitate in stating, that Legal Industry is hasn’t utilized the customer engagement aspects to its fullest. In one of our upcoming articles we will discuss “Why customer engagement is important for Legal Industry”?
These are few simple techniques to attract and engage your customers.

1. Updated LinkedIn Profile of founding members & Firm linkedin
Present social trend mandates to have a social and professional presence over the web. The moment someone is referred, people start searching for his/her social profile. So, it becomes very important to have up-to date social profiles. In fact it’s one of the ways to have presentable public profile and appear on google/search engine during relevant searches. Interesting thing it can be achieved without paying even a single penny, yes absolutely at ZERO COST.
It is good to have other social profiles like Facebook, Twitter but not mandatory. Please refer one of our earlier articles about making Facebook pages of any law firm.
ProfessionalSite 2. Firm website
I know there are certain guidelines on a lawyer by bar counsel which does not allow a lawyer for advertisement/self-promotion. I would like to mention the primary purpose of any website is not for self-promotion, but it is for information availability.With website you need not write that, Adv. Will Smith is the best person for Civil Cases. You simply need to inform the audience about, what your practice areas are and your experience on the same. This website may be very short and sweet with few pages like, Home, Services/Practice Areas and Contact Us.
3.Customer engagement
It is very important keep your client engaged, not only during the business engagement with you, but even after that. This is the only way to increase the probability of getting further engagement and referral opportunity.
This can be achieved by,
– Delight the customer during engagement by on time status update
– Once in a week or once in two week send some updates to your client. This update might be a small article related to your practice or anything new with your law firm.These are some of the way you can maintain presence the good books of your client.