5 Best Sustainable Practices for the Law Firms

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We are all aware of the need for recycling paper, metal, and glass. But how often do we consider incorporating sustainable business methods into our operations?

According to the Big Four firm KPMG’s 2020 Survey of Sustainability Reporting, “The Time Has Come,” 80% of prominent corporations worldwide currently report on sustainability.

Although 90% of executives believe sustainability is important, just 60% of businesses have a sustainability strategy. Companies that claim to be sustainable frequently fall short when it comes to implementation.

My focus today is to draw smart readers’ attention towards smart footsteps to sustainable practices.

You must be wondering “Legal Sustainable Practices” be another form of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) activities but my friends, let me tell you very clearly, they are two different things with almost similar goals.

With this let us first understand “Sustainability”.

Sustainability is defined as the practice of understanding the social, environmental, and economic consequences of specific actions and attempting to mitigate those consequences whenever possible.

“It also means squeezing more output out of every capital input, including financial, human, and natural capital.” However, a sustainable business must not just be efficient, but also have structures in place to support equality, diversity, innovation, and long-term planning.”

For law firms and legal organizations, sustainability can take many forms, such as boosting resource efficiency, adopting proactive measures to ensure socially acceptable activities, and supporting positive governance. In recent years, there has been a growing expectation that the legal community will try to address concerns about the possibility of negative social and environmental consequences as a result of its actions.

So, Why Is Sustainability Important To Law Firms And Legal Organizations?

According to the Law Firm Sustainability Network’s 2012–2013 survey, 70% of those surveyed utilize sustainability to differentiate their businesses in response to calls for proposals.

Sustainable development is becoming more recognized by legal firms and organizations as a critical component of successful, integrated, and profitable practices.

95 percent of the world’s largest firms report on sustainability. Stakeholders, customers, local communities, investors, shareholders, employees, and government agencies are all requesting more thorough information on sustainability efforts.

Consumers are more aware of the social, environmental, and political implications of their purchases.

Clients are now considering whether an organization has created, or is in the process of establishing, more sustainable practices when determining where to take their business.

Aside from the favorable perceptions that come with implementing more sustainable practices, many businesses and organizations find that these methods reduce expenses. Sustainable actions are not only justifiable but also preferred from a business standpoint. In practice, sustainable procedures improve a company’s reputation or brand while also increasing resource efficiency and employee productivity.

Law firms and organizations are adopting sustainability as a governance framework with more significant implications for surviving and prospering in both good and bad times.

So, What Are Law Firms and Organizations Doing to Make Their Firms and Organizations More Sustainable?

Law firms and organizations are attempting to reduce their environmental impact. “The legal profession consumes a tremendous quantity of paper, electricity, water, and other natural resources, as well as producing a massive amount of garbage.”

Law companies and organizations can significantly reduce their environmental effect by introducing greener practices such as recycling, double-sided printing, scheduled lights, and other sustainable measures. Simple procedures like document management, which reduces paper usage, might result in unexpected and significant savings.

Some law companies and organizations have gone even further by putting their offices in certified green buildings that use reclaimed water and renewable energy sources, are constructed with environmentally friendly materials, and engage in other environmentally friendly practices.

They also provide commuter incentives to take public transit and host yearly “bike to work” events to encourage employees to reduce their personal environmental impact. Electronics and other equipment that are difficult to repurpose are also being recycled and provided by businesses.

Firms and organizations can start by increasing their sustainable practices today itself with these 5 Best Sustainable Practices for The Law Firms:

  1. Recycle paper, metal, glass, plastic, and batteries and reduce energy and natural resource usage.
  2. Encourage alternate modes of mobility such as public transit, carpooling, and biking as a way of lowering staff production of greenhouse gas emissions.
  3. Encourage the use of video conferencing technology as a way of reducing airline, rail, and vehicle travel.
  4. Consult with suppliers and partners to see if their services and goods are made in a sustainable manner.
  5. Implementing an all-in-one technology that will combat the usage of various individual apps.

We’ll meet next week where I’ll explain to you what are the various frameworks and challenges that exist for Legal Organizations in the area of sustainability.

Until then you can head on to LegalxGen’s FREE DEMO and check out how it can contribute your firm towards sustainable practices.

About The Author

Simpal Kumari
Market Research Analyst with a Master's in Marketing and Analytical Experience.