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7 tips for lawyers to be more appealing on social media

by Irayya M

Being a lawyer is generally associated with a stereotype of being a boring or a black and white personality. Here are few tips which would make you as an attorney more appealing and popular:

  • Upload a professional looking photograph. But not the regular passport photo you use in ID. Photos with smiles are more appealing and a periodical update of profile picture always keeps you highlighted.
  •  A brief description of your profile on LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. is very important and serves as an introduction. Things worthy to be mentioned in the description are experience, industry and achievements. Unless you make it public, how would people know?
  • Writing quality content and regular blogging along with your personal web page can work wonders in branding yourself as a learned lawyer.
  • Regular post, updates, tweets, comments and sharing trends are indispensable as your social interaction is the key to mark your presence.
  • Professionally addressing your Facebook page with necessary detailing about contact along with right theme can captivate the audience. Also, it is important to subscribe informative pages and being active to post and repost.
  • Make a daily appearance on social platforms with not just Legal Gyan, but also other interesting and sarcastic facts and pictures.
  • Getting engaged in hot discussions and polls along with commenting on social issues and positively addressing them can help you garner you a positive image as a responsible Lawyer.

To substantiate it all, it’s not doing a different thing that gains you publicity but doing the same thing differently and consistently which positions your brand in your target segment.