by Irayya M

The study – undertaken by Corporate Visions – polled more than 400+ B2B professionals, including Law practitioners and business development officers, with different managing partners of a single organization, from across the globe.

When asked to describe the level of coordination between the partners, 15.4 percent labeled it as ‘uncoordinated’, 43 per cent said ‘somewhat coordinated’, 31.1 per cent ‘ said ‘coordinated’, while only 10.5 percent described it as ‘completely coordinated’.

Participants were then asked about the impact of this on their organizations as a whole. More than two-fifths (40.2) per cent said this alignment led to the better lead conversion of business enquiry and closed deals, 10.9 percent cited no impact, 24.7 percent said poor coordination had negatively impacted leads and deals, while 2.6 percent believed there was no significant impact and 21.6 percent were unsure.

It was concluded in the survey that, firms with proper coordination between the partners converted more prospects into business. In addition to that customers often try to enquire same assignment from different partners and business development professionals, in the same firm, in order to get varying quotes, hence increasing their bargaining power. Thus looping around the different partners and concerned professionals can significantly improve the deal negotiation. Also ensuring awareness and follow-up with the prospect, as a bonus.
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