Keep it SIMPLE

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“Oh, the math is too hard, I’m not a numbers person.” But nobody says, “I can’t deal with stories, they’re too hard.”- It’s all about the presentation which makes it easy or hard.

A fundamental reality of application development is that the user interface is the system to the users. What users want is for developers to build applications that meet their needs and that are easy to use. Too many developers think that they are artistic geniuses – they do not bother to follow user interface design standards or invest the effort to make their applications usable, instead, they mistakenly believe that the important thing is to make the code clever or to use a really interesting color scheme. Constantine points out that the reality is that a good user interface allows people who understand the problem domain to work with the application without having to read the manuals or receive training.

UI Design Principles

  • Clarity
    Clarity goes side-by-side with simplicity.
  • Flexibility
    Design something that looks good in all situations
  • Familiarity
    Our eyes love seeing simple and familiar things.
  • Efficiency
  • Consistency and structure
    Consistency and structure will help the user feel at home.

To substantiate it all, the success of a solution is in its adoption and how efficiently it addresses the problem it proposes to solve.
Especially in a Legal industry in emerging markets, technology had been resisted in the past. Hence it’s all new to the practitioners to adopt tech solutions, and more specifically to use them. A general scenario witnessed is an abandonment of legal tech solution after their procurement. The main reason being challenges faced in using them and the only solution is SIMPLE.
In LegalXgen, our UI designers have created an interface so crisp and developed a solution so simple that, we proudly acclaim our self a training-less solution. The user is able to use and work on the solution just like any other social media application. The driving factor for it has been our customer’s feedback and mentorship.

To conclude, success lies in simplicity and jargon are just devices to deceive!

About The Author

Irayya M
Has 18+ years of experience in UI/UX Architecture of Enterprise Applications along with a specialization in Social Media, Digital Marketing and SEO