Office plugins – your new hacks in the game of law practice.

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‘Imagine the time it takes for you to travel from home to workplace every day. How about your friend suggesting you a shorter new alternative route which takes half the time for you to make it to you work. Some might say you are a old hat at your regular way, and it would be enigmatic for you to adapt to the crosscut. But changing your ways can save half the time.’

You travel to work once a day, but as a attorney, how many drafts you prepare a day and how many steps it include for you to save it? Besides How long it takes for you to search any of your drafts and how long it takes for you to share those with you colleagues? Well on an average it typically takes around a minute to save a document and twice the time to search it. Multiply that with at least 10 documents you work on a day and you get the calculation. A WHOOPING HALF HOUR OF YOUR TIME EVERYDAY. Even more complicated with your email content and attachment.

We at LegalXgen have made an attempt to crosscut the same and beeline the process. Now all you need is couple of clicks to execute the same in our system, SELECT-UPLOAD-SHARE. Our plug-ins for MS Word and Outlook enables you to select the relevant matter, upload the same in the concerned folder and share it with your team when required. Same is true for you emails and attachments of any file format.
A wise man once said,”there’s a certain elegance in doing something in a way that’s just plain better and more efficient.”
No matter the task – be it winning a game, earning top grades, making money, solving a health problem, improving your physique, or intelligence, there’s always extra joy and a net benefit in meeting goals with new kinds of hacks.

About The Author

Irayya M
Has 18+ years of experience in UI/UX Architecture of Enterprise Applications along with a specialization in Social Media, Digital Marketing and SEO