Right to be Forgotten- Not with LegalXgen

by Irayya M

A good number of lawyers struggle with time, but what amount of the time that we’re late for a meeting or a phone call or a proceeding is honestly avoidable, and what is beyond control? Well, most of the instances of delay or obliteration are due to lack of planning and reminders. The majority of the instances that we fail to be punctual, it’s because we don’t plan well enough. We didn’t plan enough for the event and we failed to set a reminder for it as well. If we define priorities, set up exceptions and enforce reminders, we can significantly increase our productivity and discipline.

Another instance where Legal Professionals fail to be efficient in their punctuality and in deliberately obliterate their events, despite setting up reminders, is due to usage of multiple tools for preparation, record, management and remembrance of their cases. Having a single tool to incorporate most of the practice automation with a notification system for all critical items can help in reduction of dilatory instances and increase profitability.

Here is a question to for Lawyers to ask themselves:

What is the automation and management system being used and if it is used extensively?
Being punctual builds credibility and trust. Being punctual also builds your confidence to ask and expect it of others. Conversely, being late creates a negative external impression in people outside of your office, and it lowers morale among your Clients, Prospects, Colleagues and staff when they can’t trust your word about when you’ll be somewhere or when a meeting will start.

When you’re punctual, you’re less stressed, more organized, and in greater control. And when you’re all of these things, your overall mastery of time-related activities improves as well — e.g., getting your bills out on time, or estimating how long something’s going to take to complete.

We’re talking here about Proceedings, appointments, meetings and invoicing that you initiate or agree to with someone, whether in person or by phone, whether formally or informally.

LegalXgen helps Law Firms Achieve this discipline with extensive notification system via SMS and emails for all crucial wings of practice and your events in a single platform. The remainder and notification system in LegalXgen keeps your stock and barrel of all important action requirements.